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Once you have had a great leader, it is easy to spot others. All great leaders share common character traits that they put into practice on a daily basis. Anyone who wants to become a great leader should start putting several habits into practice today. Following are 12 key traits of great leaders:

  1. They are decisive.

Great leaders make difficult decisions on a daily basis. Even in the midst of chaos, a great leader can make a decision and then stand by it. Waffling on a decision gives others the impression that the leader is unsure of how to proceed. This can lead to a lack of confidence in the leader’s ability to be in charge and can ultimately undermine the team’s ability to move forward. Making decisions is a mark of a good leader.

  1. They are visionaries.

successfulBy setting high expectations for themselves and others, great leaders inspire their teams to work toward what may be lofty goals. Regardless of how big the dream, a leader who can inspire others to reach for their dream will achieve higher levels of success and a more dedicated workforce.

  1. They are approachable.

Instead of intimidating people by the title on their door or the power that they hold, great leaders are spectacular at putting team members at ease. They demonstrate their approachability by encouraging others to speak their minds and offer opinions.

  1. They are kind.

Many people mistake kindness for weakness and refuse to be perceived as weak. However, great leaders know that true kindness requires extraordinary strength. To truly be kind, a leader must be direct and straightforward without being self-serving. Finding a balance between kindness and weakness is one of the most important traits of a great leader.

  1. They are strong.

strengthThe most successful leaders demonstrate strength without being harsh. A great leader is able to stay the course when things get tough, and they are able to guide people without being overbearing. Showing strength is more than an exercise in brute force. Domineering and harsh behavior is not strength, despite the fact that many leaders try using those methods as a leadership technique. Strong leaders earn the respect of their team by demonstrating strength even in difficult times.

  1. They are confident.

There is a marked difference between arrogance and confidence, and great leaders are adept at demonstrating confidence without cockiness. Confidence is the assurance that one has the ability to make things happen. A successful leader has a clear understanding of what they can and cannot do, as well as a sense of humility that draws people to them.

  1. They listen.

To be truly great, a leader must listen more than they talk. Actively listening and genuinely hearing another person’s point of view are some of the most important aspects of a great leader. It allows team members to share ideas and thoughts that may be different, leading to new and improved methods, or it can simply signify the value that the leader places in each member of the team. Whatever the reason, a successful leader has learned how to hear what others say.

  1. They constantly assess.

Every day, leaders assess the state of their business. This may be a financial assessment, an evaluation of the efficiency of the company, or an examination of the success (or failure) of a product. Whatever the reason, great leaders are constantly making assessments and acting on their findings.

  1. They strive to improve.

Not content with the status quo, great leaders constantly strive to improve. From new business methods to leadership techniques, great leaders seek ways to become better communicators, better managers, and better leaders.

  1. They lead by example.

leadershipThrough their actions, great leaders demonstrate the behavior they want their employees to emulate. Instead of simply telling their employees that integrity is important, they live a life of integrity.

  1. They have a sense of humor.

Life can be serious, but it can also have moments of humor. A great leader looks for opportunities to laugh with their team. More importantly, they understand that even during a crisis, there can be moments of levity that do not discount the seriousness of the situation.

  1. They cultivate more leaders.

True leaderd do not simply engage with their teams. They inspire others to greatness and give them the motivation to move into leadership roles. Instead of feeling threatened with others’ success, they rejoice with them.

Every day, great leaders put the following leadership traits to work: generating success, building teams, and driving their companies to new heights. By incorporating these 12 daily habits, individuals will be well on their way to becoming successful leaders.