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Eugene ChrinianWhat is Willpower?
Merriam Webster defines definition as; “ the ability to control yourself : strong determination that allows you to do something difficult (such as to lose weight or quit smoking)” or “energetic determination”

But in terms of looking at will power from a scientific perspective, it’s a response that stems from the body and the brain. The pre-fontal cortex is one of the primary areas of the brain responsible for decision-making and behavior regulation. One can surmise that this area of the brain must be in good shape in order to exercise self-control and willpower.

How does Willpower Help an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs are known for many things. Their ability to imagine something new, a drive to make their idea a reality, and an ability to learn from failures then move on. While much has been written about the qualities that make for a successful entrepreneur, most of these assertions boil down to one key trait. And that trait is willpower. Having the willpower to drive forward on your quest to achieve a certain goal, the willpower to get up and make something big happen. Willpower and drive go hand iin hand. This quality is often described as grit. And it’s true, the most successful entrepreneurs have this one quality in spades. Entrepreneurs can’t just believe in their idea or venture, but they have to be actively committed to it and the discipline to seek out the opportunities and put in the hard work that will make this idea a concrete reality.

How Can I Find More Willpower?
Although it may seem like willpower is an inborn talent, there are in fact scientifically proven ways to improve your willpower. Although these suggestions are often tested with food and dieting, the same ideas apply to choosing something beneficial to your career vs something fun or more preferable.

Stress Management
The first thing you need to do is to enhance your ability to handle stressful circumstances. Whether this means reconsidering how you react to stress in the moment or how you organize your time outside of these stressful situations. Feeling stressed out actually uses energy preventing your prefrontal cortex from selecting the more difficult choice that requires willpower. Though extensive work can be done to help keep stress under control, simple things like taking a deep breath.

Yes You Can
Another way to up your own willpower is to make a plan and stick to it. Don’t tell yourself you “can’t do something”, tell yourself you can, and then do it! Following through and telling yourself that you can do something will initiate a positive cycle. Keep that momentum going, and don’t give up.
Take Care of Yourself
Meditation, sufficient sleep, balanced nutrition and regular exercise are some of the biggest contributors to being able to exercise your willpower, but unfortunately these are often overlooked. These areas are often thrown to the wayside when stressful situations come up, which then feeds into an unhealthy cycle. So to get more willpower, these factors are a great place to start.

While all great entrepreneurs exhibit willpower, it’s important to remember that with the right tools and mindset in place, this is a replicable skill.